Storm Strong
Question: How long have you been writing?
Answer: I've been published since 2017, but I've been writing since before I could even write. It's a running joke in my family because when I was little I used to corner family members and force them to write down my stories for me.
Question: Do you have anything published or do you have WIP (works in progress)?
Answer: I have two works published under the pen name currently- Magic Assassin Academy and The Vampire Trials but I have a lot of up coming releases as well!
Question: What can you tell us about your project?
Answer: The Vampire Trials is my latest Reverse Harem series. It focuses on a word where supernaturals are on top, and it’s the humans that hide in the shadows, so kind of the opposite of what other books show. And in this world, in the city of New York, there a Vampire purge that goes on every five years. It follows the main character Scarlett as she’s the first woman to ever be selected to fight in the gruesome challenge, and the steamy supernaturals she picks up along the way!
Question: What is your favorite part of your current project
Answer: My favorite part about TVT is how perfectly imperfect Scarlett is. She’s someone I can relate to because she’s not strong all the time, and she’s not weak all the time. She’s in the middle, where I think most ordinary people are and because of that a lot of people can relate and see themselves as the hero too. It shows that you can be scared, and do it anyway. And not be kickass all the time and still have a harem full of gorgeous supernaturals. It’s a win win.
Question: What’s your inspiration for your latest project?
Answer: TVT was inspired by the Hunger Games which is kind of obvious. I was thinking back to books I read that were so good I wished I could read them again for the first time. That thought spiraled into my love of supernaturals and how much I wished I could read a book like it with a supernatural twist. So I wrote the book I wanted to read!
Question: What do you do for fun?
Answer: When I’m not writing or reading I love to binge watch Netflix. Otherwise I’m usually picking up the same five toddler toys in various sequences throughout the day.
Question: How are you handling this pandemic?
Answer: The beginning was really tough, to be honest. I suffer from anxiety and I work in the medical field. The uncertainty of it all, mixed with still having to work and not being able to quarantine at home with my husband and kids was almost too much. My creative flow suffered a lot. But I talked with a professional, got some medication and I was back in the groove! To anyone else out there dealing with anxiety through this, know you’re not alone!
Question: What are your future goals with writing?
Answer: I’d love to make enough to write full time! I love my day job but there’s nothing like creating worlds of steamy vampires and getting paid for it!

Question: Who do you look to for inspiration?
Answer: I have a lot of great author friends who not only inspire me, but push me to be the best author I can be! Their support is the reason why I’ve made it this far!
Question: Who is your all time favorite author? Is that person different from your favorite author right now?
Answer: It’s so hard to choose! I really love Jaymin Eve’s work! Her concepts are amazing!
Question: Do you struggle with writer's block?
Answer: I think everyone does. Especially now when everything is so uncertain. I like to watch TV to help it out. Immersing myself in other worlds helps me create my own!
Question: Which part of writing do you find most difficult?
Answer: Definitely the start. If you don’t get the first few pages right it throws the entire manuscript off.
Question: Are you an outline 1st writer or do you just jump in?
Answer: I’ve always just jumped right in until recently when I discovered the wonders of outlining. I don’t think I can ever go back!
Question: Is writing your day job? If not, what do you do?
Answer: I work in the medical field, but I hope to go full time in the next few months!
Question: Would you consider yourself a bibliophile? How extensive is your book collection?
Answer: I have a few paperbacks, but digital is the new way to go for me. Less my kids can destroy.
Question: What’s your favorite food?
Answer: Spaghetti. We eat that more times a week than I care to admit!
Question: What’s the hardest thing about the writing process?
Answer: The hardest part is definitely people reading what I’ve written! With anxiety it can be tough to put it out into the world, but it’s so rewarding.
Question: Tell us what are your social media, website and blog platforms. How do we find you?
Answer: Facebook, Facebook group
Michele Quirke

Question: How long have you been writing?
Answer: I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. My diary from first grade contains some of my earliest stories.
Question: Do you have anything published or do you have WIP (works in progress)?
Answer: My debut novel, The Fires of Treason, will be released this October! I’m super excited about it and currently working on the sequel.
Question: What can you tell us about your project?
Answer: My current project is the sequel for The Fires of Treason. I already have the rough draft, but it’s going to need tons of editing and rewrites. It’s a bit daunting, but I’m also really excited about the changes.
Question: What is your favorite part of your current project
Answer: The sequel will have lots of new characters, including my MC’s love interest. I love writing them together.
Question: What’s your inspiration for your latest project?
Answer: Oddly enough, The Fires of Treason was somewhat inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender. Prince Gregory, one of the MC’s, was even named Zuko in the earliest draft. A lot has changed since then and there aren’t many similarities between my book and Avatar anymore, but Gregory’s banishment was definitely inspired by Zuko’s
Question: What do you do for fun?
Answer: Lately my son and I play Animal Crossing together every day. I also enjoy reading and going on family hikes.
Question: How are you handling this pandemic?
Answer: As best as can be expected. I’m an extrovert so it’s been tough, but I do love having both my husband and son home. Homeschooling is a big adjustment for all of us, but we’re doing our best
Question: What are your future goals with writing?
Answer: I’d love to get my series published. If I sell 100 copies, I’ll be happy.
Question: Who do you look to for inspiration?
Answer: One of my closest friends and critique partner, Jodi Jensen. If it wasn’t for her, I never would’ve had the confidence to pursue this dream. She helped me believe in myself and gave my invaluable advice. Her debut novel, Sophie’s Key, will be out this month!
Question: Who is your all time favorite author? Is that person different from your favorite author right now?
Answer: Oh wow, that’s a tough question. I’m honestly not sure that I have an all time favorite author. That changes monthly. However, right now I am a HUGE fan of McKenzie Austin’s series, The Panagea Tales. The first book in the series, The Tree That Grew Through Iron, really helped me during this quarantine. It was the perfect escape and distraction. So I’d have to say that at this moment in time, my favorite author is McKenzie Austin.

Question: Do you struggle with writer's block?
Answer: Yes. Frequently. I just managed to get over a huge hurdle though thanks to my friend and fellow writer, N. Malone. She helped me talk through a huge problem in the beginning of the sequel and now I have finally been able to move past it.
Question: Which part of writing do you find most difficult?
Answer: For me, finding the motivation to write after a long day is a challenge. Most evenings after I put my son to bed I just want to sit back and relax. But once I actually push myself to start writing, it’s hard to stop.
Question: Are you an outline 1st writer or do you just jump in?
Answer: I usually have a very loose idea of what I want to happen throughout the book, but everything that happens in between those few plot points is a surprise to me. My books are very character led and most of the time, I like where they take me.
Question: Would you consider yourself a bibliophile? How extensive is your book collection?
Answer: Definitely. When we moved I donated hundreds of my books to the library, so my collection is much smaller now. I’d say I only have about 20 physical books on my shelf at the moment, but I have at least 50 ebooks on the kindle.
Question: What’s your favorite food?
Answer: My husband’s lasagna and my mom’s shepherd’s pie.
Question: What’s the hardest thing about the writing process?
Answer: Cutting out unnecessary scenes during the revision/editing process. I know it’s for the best, but it’s hard to eliminate something I worked so hard on.
Question: Tell us what are your social media, website and blog platforms. How do we find you?
Answer: Twitter, Official Website,