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Birthday Sale

Writer's picture: Sheyanne WarrenSheyanne Warren

Hey, hey y'all. What's up?

I am setting up my planner for the next few months, and I am on the brim of being overwhelmed and conscious enough to keep telling myself to schedule things out and then forget about them. I finish scheduling out my teacher planner and then look at all the colors and fonts and realized I still have to schedule writing and authorprenuer activities, teacherprenuer activities and umm sleep! But I am not overwhelmed, I'm, uhh, organized. Yeah, that's it.

Good News

On a less depressing note, my #DonorsChoose project was completely funded!!! I had a $600 project filled with books by diverse authors and different grade levels to add to my class library that I started from scratch this year. My deadline was approaching of September 29th and I had a little over $100 in donations. Which is excellent, don't get me wrong. I was however, feeling a little discouraged. The self-doubt of my project being too large. At work today I was making my way through PDs and my to-do list and my iPad, phone and smartwatch buzzed. (The wonders of having all your devices connected to everything 😜)

I glanced down really quick (at my iPad) and saw 'your project has been funded'. Excitement and disbelief flooded me as I called my mom to share the good news!

What's New?

Another thing I am really, really excited to share is my new release! It hasn't released yet, it's still loading, but the editor's date is 9/1/2021! I've been working on a synopsis.

Three sisters brought together through foster care and bonded through tragedy to pick themselves up from their bootstraps after witnessing their mamas murder. Success came through struggles. Nia owns her own private practice, Black Mental Health Matters. Kuan-Yin is a social worker helping families through rough times by giving them the resources they need. Valentina is an event's manager at a neighborhood Recreation Center. Although these sisters are through their tragedies, they recognize everyone is not. The Box is a ritual that happens every third Friday. Each sister takes a name out of The Box. Whoever's name is chosen, life ends. They rid the world of predators, one at a time. Striving to prevent women from going through what they did and giving them an easier chance at survival. In between, careers, boyfriends, girlfriends and food, lots of food. There's The Sister Assassins: Vigilantes.

What y'all think? Let me know in the comments. The synopsis is literally harder to write than the book.

I am going to need beta's and ARC readers starting mid-September for the betas and release date of November 6th for the Launch team. You want first dips on this feel-good crime thriller with a twist? Sign up HERE.

One more good thing happening in the world of an authorprenuer, I'm on Kindle Vella y'all. Kindle Vella is a service by Amazon that allowed readers to read an episode at a time. The first 3 episodes are FREE and everyone after that required tokens. Check mine out.

Can You Imagine: Tick Tick Boom Can you imagine a fantasy world where you're a badass for hire taking down people who think they cannot be touched. You know the kind. They dress in suits and ties and have a shit ton of money to make problems disappear. Can you imagine a world where you literally have the power to blow their world up? Taking them down from their pedestal of power to the gutter where they belong. Can you image having so much power and being a woman? Welcome to my world.

Click HERE to check out the first three episodes, they're FREE!

You said something about a birthday and a sale

Yes, I am a #LEO all the way down to the lion tattoo on my arm. My Birthday is August 18th - That's tomorrow!!!! I have a sale going on, everything is 30% off using code LEO. Yup, you heard 30% off. This sale ends midnight on August 19th so don't miss out!!



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