The Jelena Cohert series follows Jelena Cohert, a FBI agent through her adventures. The first books introduces you to her and her life. She keeps secrets and hides her connections. She keeps secrets to keep her husband safe, right? Well, she hides her connections because she can do just fine on her own, right?
Anyway, Jelena has a new case where her and her teach are on the trail of a infamous con women. Sandra Highworth has been stealing since she was a baby and has been the best con artist for almost 2 decades. She has never met her match but now Jelena Cohert is in the ring.
You can't be a fiery Latina without making enemies, but Jelena isn't scared of enemies. She has has to fight for her life before and it looks like she will have to fight for her life now that a serial killer is on her trail. Will she survive? Will she catch Sandra Highworth? Will her life crumble in the meantime?
Riley Paige is a FBI agent in the behavioral analysis unit. This 16 book series follows her personal and professional life. Author Blake Pierce does an excellent job through this series connecting the reader to Riley, her friends and family. Riley has an ex-husband, a daughter or two. She had a boyfriend, sometimes and a partner, or lover, no a partner and friend right?
Riley has a special talent of being able to get in the mind of the killer. Her instincts are killer only she can't turn them on and off. She is not afraid to break the rules or get fired apparently. She always get's rehired though because Riley is a #Beast.
She sees a psychologist because she has normal problems, well BAU agent problems and she is a fierce mama bear. She struggles with insecurities and is authentic. Blake Pierce did an excellent job keeping the reader through all 16 installments and has made her way to my top 3 favorite authors list.
Extraordinary! I started reading this excellent series 2 this morning. Couldn’t stop reading it and I didn’t, finished the book and can’t wait to read series 3. This book gets 6 ******* stars!!!