What is an ARC Reader?
An ARC Reader or Advanced Reader's Copy is a person who agrees to receive a free or discounted new release in exchange for publishing an honest review for the author.
I will give an electronic copy of the new release first. This is the copy you can begin to enjoy. Within a week I will send a hard copy to you. I will reach out by email requesting your address to have your free copy sent to.
Within 2 weeks of receiving the electronic copy, you will go to Amazon, Barnes and Noble's and any other platform you would like to leave your honest review.
Follow the arrow and click the image to sign up for my ARC team - Warren's Readers
What is an Beta -Reader?
A Beta Reader is someone who accepts an unedited electronic copy of a WIP (work in progress) and will read and provide honest edits and suggestions on improvements from the reader's point of view.
After I get all my suggestions and edits from the Beta Reader's I send it off to my editor. I do not want the Beta Readers to focus on grammar. I want flow, plot holes, confusion for the readers, character development and believably issues.
You have 3 weeks from the day I send the electronic copy (a google docs) to leave comments and suggestions.
I will put all my Beta Reader's in a drawing for a free copy of the book when published.